On Saturday, former FIFA presidential candidate and head of The Asian Football Federation Mohamed Bin Hammam was banned for life by the governing body’s ethics committee following a two-day hearing.
The 62-year old Qatari was accused of attempting to buy votes prior to June’s presidential elections, which Bin Hammam withdrew from leaving only the incumbent Sepp Blatter to seek a 5th term.
Even for FIFA, a lifetime ban is of legitimate consequence amongst the gaggles of symbolic wrist slaps. It’s really nothing more than to say ‘Mr. Bin Hammam, of all the corrupt and conniving sons of bitches within the FIFA ranks, you are one of them.’ That one gets me every time - not that specific usage, but to say to somebody that they are simply one of many - essentially you’re just spinning the first sentence and the anticipation that follows it on its head to elicit at best a modest chuckle.
Not more than a few days ago, I heard Keith Law say something along similar lines when recently highlighting the offensive inefficiencies of a player, quoting a former coach who said; “Buddy, of all the second baseman I’ve coached, you’re one of them.” Come on, that’s a little funny no? Simple conversational humour can be just as funny as an intricate joke that builds through a set-up that leads to a punchline. A punchline that brings down the house of tent cards advertising buckets of Bud Light Lime bottles, brought to your table by a girl breaching her third trimester with a Matinee tucked behind her left ear and a visible tattoo that may in fact with no certainty either be a Seal’s face or that of a Boston terrier.
FIFA harbours the deceitful and ignorant like it’s a race towards evil against an imaginary clock. Mohamed Bin Hamman is a crooked piece of shit. I’ve mentioned him on more than one occasion in the last few months, in hopes that this would be the last mention in the hallowed internet corridors, before remembering that Qatar will be hosting a World Cup, leaving Bin Hammam with a legacy much like that of his former employer; corrupt.
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