Okay friends, so here's some real high-brow stuff for a holiday monday.
A group of researchers from Oregon have released the results of tests which suggest that the consumption of an ingredient in beer may be a preventative step against prostrate cancer. The ingredient, which is found in hops, the commonly known and often quoted xanthohumol, monitors the protein in the cells along the surface of the prostrate gland.
According to researchers, this could be an important piece of medical information for men. When asked by a journalist at the press briefing why this would impact only men, the head researcher identified that women do not have penises, or so he was told by a colleague.
There is a catch however. The research shows that approximately 17 beers need to be consumed in order for the xanthohumol to have a positive effect. Grab a 24 and save seven for tomorrow.
15 beers a day for women is just as good as taking daily breast supplements too, its all in the hops.
.."Hops remains a popular and common ingredient in herbal breast enhancement formulations."
somebody's been doing their homework