In criticizing the Toronto Star, I must also identify what is good about the paper, and since I read it each morning while warming my brain in order to read the Globe & Mail, I sometimes stumble upon some worthwhile items.
Recall a few months back my observance that the city's raccoon population was adapting to circumstances by evolving into smarter creatures? Well, apparently I was not the only one, and a documentary has been made to investigate the claims your favorite blogger witnessed on many a drunken night's stumble home. Today's Star has a small feature on the phenomenon.
Documentary Reveals The Secret Lives of Raccoons
Another bright light amongst a steaming pile of carnivorous excretions of note is the Star's coverage of the crisis in Egypt. Yes, every news outlet on the globe is covering it to great lengths, but the Star has begun a series of pieces identifying points of dissent and issues facing many other North African nations. Today's item on Morocco and the culture of a tyrannical monarchy is a worthwhile read.
Finally, congratulations to Egypt. At the time of publication (11:00AM), news has broken that Mubarak has finally agreed to step-down contrary to motions he made in yesterday's speech. Only one thing would have quelled the frustrations of the Egyptian people, and this is it. Following decades of smothering regimes led by the likes of Anwar Sadat and Mubarak, the freedom and happiness shared by many Egyptians today is a feeling unlike any that we privileged westerners could comprehend.
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