Saturday, December 11, 2010

Letterz From Da Editor 3

Before I get started with today's installment, yesterday a reader approached me on the streets and asked me what the core concept was behind my blog. Following a brief moment of internal reflection, I answered with a long, drawn-out 'uhhhhhhh', followed by a 'wellllllll funny you should ask that.'

Funny because as much as I try to have some central ideas behind the site, I do it for myself. I write it for myself and do not use it as an attempted means of garnering respect from my fellow writers or as a portfolio of sorts for my legitimate career ventures. The copious usage of F-bombs and the continuous haphazard posting of blogs related to YouTube-embedded rap videos should imply as much.

I am an 80's baby, and I grew-up with a bizarre melange of rap, punk and Sub Pop-era indie rock, skateboards and mountain bikes, the kids of Beverly Hills 90210 and Saved By The Bell, Bill Nye and Mr. Dress-Up. My current standing was molded by the likes of Nintendo, Marv Albert and Mike Fratello, Tom Cheek and Jerry Howarth, winning Blue Jays teams and Maple Leafs squads floating mainly in the purgatory of mediocrity. Michael Jordan, and later Thierry Henry were my Christ-like figures, with John Steinbeck, Mordecai Richler, James Joyce, Mark Twain and Nick Hornby as my literary disciples.

The point being, my interests now, as tempered by my interests as a youth, are as varied as ever.

This is a blog about the things I love. One day there may be a compelling well-written piece about Toronto's streetcars, the next day a fluff piece linking rappers by way of guest appearances on each other's work. There may be a week of NBA discussions, followed by a book recommendation or anecdotes from my travels in Europe.

One core idea I do try to implement and discuss is that the times are changing - for the worst. I believe I am from the last generation before the birth of the hypochondriac, excuse-making, allergic to everything and generally pussy-gentrified generation that I often critique here at badnewsblog. Albeit, my generation is the one that is destroying the world, but it is the next one that be the fuel for my fire.

I hope everybody who either follows this blog or stumbles upon it enjoys it for what it's worth.

Having said that (a term I despise, yet still use too often), I plan on making an effort to veer-away from the sophmoric and novice post that any blogger could bang-out in a few minutes, and instead emphasize on learning through writing, and of course, many post-comma 'ands'.

Occasionally, we might even learn a thing or two together. Thanks for reading.

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