Well being that it's but a few days from Christmas, I am allowed more free time than usual to reflect on the past year that was - and what an amazing year it was. My standards for life have grown to new heights.
This year will be the first Christmas that I've been single in 5 years. Despite the fact that I will be surrounded by family and friends, there is something missing. The holidays are a time when the lonely really feel that solitude, and I can somewhat empathize with that notion this year.
If you love somebody - make it work, and if it doesn't, because many things in life are beyond repair, then have no regrets.
Allow the holiday season to gather some perspective on life.
I have just now finished compiling a list of the 5 things I want in the New Year. These things are not available in stores, but are things on which I build my foundation. Nothing lying under that Christmas tree will have any lasting value. It can be a new job, finish that novel you started, or even get your ex-girlfriend back - whatever it is, allow nothing to get in your way.
Compared to my typically sarcastic and barely-comedic tone on this site, all of this may sound bizarre - perhaps it's the season to reflect.
Compile your own list of 5 things you want in the New Year, spend the next 8 days until then getting really fucked-up on egg nog and spiced rum and enjoying the company of who you have, and come January 1st - start with the list of 5.
All of life's goals are achievable, you just have to set them for yourself and have an insatiable desire to achieve them.
Happy Holidays from badnewsblog.
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