Monday, January 24, 2011

TTC Proposed Service Cuts and Fare Increases

Dear Toronto Transit Commission,

You never cease to amaze me.

Service continues to worsen. An increasing number of your staff are condescending to riders and abrasive when dealt with. The schedules posted online differ from those that are found on posts at some bus shelters.

The moment Rob Ford was elected Mayor, we knew the city's government-assisted and managed programs would start to experience cuts - we just didn't think you would cut off all our limbs and leave us to roll-about like a tumbleweed taken from a Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western.

You are such an essential resource for Torontonians, many of which live on the city's periphery areas, however you continue to reduce service to these areas during the later hours. Many of these people work in or near the city's central artery and work hours that require better service so that they may get to Islington and Albion Rds or Morningside and Sheppard Rd type destinations. You do a decent job servicing the Toronto's middle and upper class neighbourhoods, but fail other miserably.

And now of all times, amidst a period of such unreliability, you choose to propose service cuts and fare increases.

If only the assholes who are responsible for such cuts were without other means and forced to live in the aforementioned areas would you realize how badly you are fucking the people who overpay for your inadequate bullshit.


With Continued Frustration and Hatred;

The staff of badnews blog.

For a comprehensive guide to the proposed cuts and fare increases, and a list of the routes being affected, FOLLOW THIS LINK.

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