The cast of the first season of Beverly Hills 90210... if the guy on the end looks a little unfamiliar it's because he shot himself in the head during the inaugural season.
This Thursday, the 2nd day of August, the 9th month in the year of our Lord 2010 is a very special day. Should you list dates in the sequential order month/day/year, Thursday will then be 90210.
No, you are not mistaken - Thursday is 90210 and it only lasts for one day.
Oh sure, I'm gay as fuck for liking 90210. My apologies, but it reminds of a simpler time when life was more fulfilling and lacked all the distractions of today. Recall the first episode of a new season, when the kids would rent a summer home and Brendan and Dylan would see each other for the first time in months and embrace. Remember how awesome that felt? How included you may have felt in the circle of friends? When they graduated, what a mixture of emotions that was. Damn i was proud of Dylan and Kelly for overcoming numerous obstacles in life (reseeding hair-lines, cocaine, moms that did coke, moms that were sluts, being friends with Steve Sanders, etc.)
In the spirit and originality of Beverly Hills 90210 the original, and one of the general themes of this blog, I am just going to randomly list some objects, ideas and concepts that were so much better in the 90's.
I mean, just look at that photo. This is before the age of the hipster, the convenience of the cell phone, the advent of the Internet and the moment when everybody became a little too self-aware and image conscious. You think Brendan would have rocked denim on denim in 2010?
In the 1990's, people listened to music because they liked it, not because it was a means of being cool, or inversely a way of being cool by not appearing to be cool at all. Two years ago it was electro music and skinny jeans, this year it's Tom's shoes, dubstep and rolling-up the legs of those now tattered, perfectly distressed-looking skinny jeans.
I pine for the days when we would ride mountain bikes around the bluffs and down to the lake, sharing cigarettes in hopes of a head rush and listening to early 90's garage rock and grunge. Specialized Rock Hoppers, Sonic Unyon and Sub Pop, Nirvana, Porno for Pyros, Sonic Youth, Thrush Hermit, Hayden, etc, cheap smokes, Value Village, jeans that were ripped because you fell playing red-ass at school, Popsicles that cost a dime, awesome rap music performed by dudes in Raiders jackets or with high-top cuts and wooden Africa medallions around their necks, the original Reebok Pumps, no internet - people learned things by going to libraries and reading, no cell phones - I'll call you when i get home, not as I'm chauffeuring a family of 5 down the Gardiner doing 120 klicks with zero available hands, silk shirts (just joking), denim jackets that never had properly tailored sleeves, Fruit Roll-Ups, Slurpies, penny candies, station wagons, baseball cards stuck in the spokes of a bicycle, no fucking Youtube, skateboards with tiny wheels and skaters with baggy clothes and pressure flips, ball players with shorter shorts, until Corliss Williamson and his Arkansas Razorbacks popularized the baggy, 'round the ankles look, a packed to the tits SkyDome, movies about recreating dinosaurs from a fossilized prehistoric mosquito and sequels to action films that actually meant something, Sly Stallone, Arnold, Dolph and Jean-Claude, Rowdy Roddy Piper's films, wrestling, pornographic films (all these fake titties and weird premises are tired), FUBU (just joking), mothers packing lunches for their kids before pre-packaged processed bullshit took all of the fun and originality out of it, parents staying together and actually attending a PTA meeting and giving a fuck about their children and their schoolwork, after-school programs, Saturday morning cartoons, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Where in The World is Carmen SanDiego?, Kidstreet, the original American Gladiators and a day when children played outside, video games were too shit to be consuming and nobody was allergic to anything.
This is all that came to mind at the moment, perhaps I'll write an update in the coming days. In the meantime, I'm going to skate to the store and grab a freezie, bust a weak pressure flip on my way home and take the dogs for a walk.
"i pine..." :
ReplyDeleteone of your best rants.
highlights include head rush, wooden africa medallions, silk shirts (it wasn't a joke for theo! well then again maybe it was), pressure flips, Carmen Sandiego (i find myself using 'do it rocapella' to this day), and the ending on allergies...
ahhh nostalgia. i like it.
thanks lia.
ReplyDeleteby the way lia, thought you'd mention how you once posed as Tori Spelling in South Carolina if i'm not mistaken!
ReplyDeleteriiiiight - so shameful. tend to mention that publicly.
ReplyDeleteluckily for you this doesn't have the traffic necessary to forever ruin your image by publicizing the fact that you once posed as Tori Spelling