Woke up this morning with the sun's rays fighting through the folds of my venetian blinds. As I stepped outside, I noticed that the sun was in fact weather's version of a cock tease, and that it was freezing cold out. Brrrrrrutal.
Perhaps this is why today's post is so damn frigid - but I have a bone to pick with a local merchant. The other night, while drunkenly stumbling home, all I could think of was my desire for some crunchy Cheetos, only to find a poorly handwritten sign on my local Mac's Milk promising his return in 10 minutes. I understand that while working the midnight shift at a Mac's Milk, sometimes things come up, and a bathroom break of longer than a leak and a wash is necessitated. Fair enough, however my issue does not lie with the man and his bodily functions, but with the infinite nature of his signage. I use the term infinite in its most literal terms - because when a sign denotes the clerks return in 10 minutes, it never lists a time that the sign was placed on the storefront window.
What is the purpose of putting-up such a sign if the reader has absolutely no idea when it was posted. Am I making mountains out of mole hills? I think not. All I am asking is for some clarity. If you need to take a 10 minutes break to deposit that afternoons tandoori chicken, simply place a sign denoting the duration of the break required, and the time at which said break was taken. I don't think this is too much to ask for. Stay angry my friends.
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